The Hamburg based rapper Samy Deluxe has been in the music business for over 30 years. But he is also an established graffiti artist who invests a lot of time in his studio work. For this reason, Samy Deluxe was invited to our Artists-in-Residency program at the CAMMANN Studios, where he created a handpainted, pasted and spraypainted wooden installation entitled "DELUXE" back in November 2024. Samy is going to be back in Chemnitz on March 29, 2025 as part of his TAKEOVER Ensemble Show Tour in the Chemnitz Stadthalle (Carlowitz Congresscenter Chemnitz).
Samy Deluxe and Miki's Takeover! Ensemble collapse the boundaries between hip hop and classical music. What do a classical, chamber music ensemble and a rapper have in common? A stage, the love of music and the unsolved question: what is high culture anyway!
In an unprecedented way, the classical musicians transport the works of Samy Deluxe from his high-culture albums into realms that allow the listener to immerse themselves deeply and at the same time shake them up. The emotional strength of the classical musical language combined with the textual and rhythmic power of hip hop. A feast on stage, a major win for both sides and a new insight into the topic of high culture!
Watch the trailer of his show below and see you very soon!
Samy Deluxe & MIKIs Takeover! Ensemble
Saturday, 29.03.2025, 8pm
Stadthalle Chemnitz
Carlowitz Congress Center: Carlowitz-Saal